
Know Who You Are Following Pt. 5

2nd Peter 1-3
For the past 5 weeks we have been looking at a series entitled “Know Who You Are Following” where in 2nd Peter 2, Peter gives us a warning about false leadership that will rise up in our churches and he also gives us an outline to follow, or a check list that we can follow to check those who are in our lives that we are following. It is important that we know who we are following. The people that are leading us need to be leading us towards Christ and not away and the only way you will know if they are leading in the right direction is to know the map. The map meaning the Word of God.


Know Who You Are Following Pt.4

2nd Peter 1-3
WARNINGS have many forms: lights, signs, sights, sounds, smells, feelings, and written words. With varied focus, their purpose is the same—to advise alertness and give notice of imminent danger. Responses to these warnings will also vary—from disregard and neglect to evasive or corrective action. How a person reacts to a warning is usually determined by the situation and the source.


Know Who You Are Following Pt.3

2nd Peter 1-3
We are continuing into our study of false leaders that will rise up and have risen up in our churches today. We need to know who we are following. 2nd Peter gives us an outline to look at and descriptions to know to spot these fake leaders and expose them in our lives, so we do not end up following someone down the wrong path, so we don’t end up losing sight of Jesus and we move away from Him rather than to Him. I had asked you to ask yourself a question, “Is the person that is leading me, leading me towards Christ or away from Christ?” If they are not leading you towards Christ then they are leading you away.


Know Who You Are Following Pt. 2

2nd Peter 1-3

Last week we started a study on false leadership that is not only in the world today, but in our churches as well. We must know who we are following as Christians. Make sure your “call & election are true”. Meaning we need to make sure that the ones that we are following are bringing us closer to God and not leading us away and the only way you will know that is if you are in the Word of God. If you are not in the Word of God then you will fall for whatever comes your way. You are listening to man’s opinion on the Word of God rather than listening to the author of it. Christian leadership has to line up with the Word. It cannot go against the Word. If you are leading someone, which we are all called to do, make sure you are in the Word of God otherwise you are going to lead people down the wrong path.


Know Who You Are Following Pt. 1

2nd Peter 1-3
For the next few weeks or so, we are going to be looking at 2nd Peter and we are going to see how he has given to us a description of those who are not of God. Those who are in our lives who will try to lead the people of God away from their first love Jesus Christ.