Thanksgiving. What it means to some people is a day to gorge on turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts, gravy, and of course a usual tradition of pumpkin pie. Cannot forget the dessert now can we? Of course as for me and my family we did all the above on this last Thursday of November as we close out yet another month. Except for the fact we had cheesecake and blackberry pie (great with vanilla icecream by the way) :). But do we really know why we are giving thanks to begin with?
Now I am sure there are a lot of reasons to give thanks. Some give thanks for their car, home, children, food, and so on. Things that matter and some things that probably do not matter. But are we forgetting something? Or better yet, are we forgetting someone? What about God? What about Christ? Do we take time to thank Him for what He has done or even so what He has provided for us? I mean everything we have is because of Him right? I am not saying not to give thanks for what you have. Big things and small things. We all do. I do. But we must not forget the greatest thing anyone one person can receive. Salvation.
What Christ did on the cross for mankind. For you. For me. For every living breathing person on this small minuscule planet in a vastly large and unexplored galaxy of millions of galaxies. John 3:16 sums it all up for us. Everyone knows this verse we see it all the time at sporting events. People quote it all the time. But the thing I do not understand is why not live what it says. I mean if God gave His only Son to die for us and we believe it, then why do we not live our lives in deep thankfulness every day for that very thing? Just something to think about.
As for me I am thankful for my family, a roof over my head, food on my table. But more importantly I am thankful for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
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